Monthly poems
W ith the New year coming in I was thinking about social media posts and what could get people thinking as well as uplift during the darker months. So...I've decided to post a new poem every month. Over the last couple of months I have jumped in and out of poetry. I'll be the first to admit that not all poetry appeals to me but the ones that connect, really connect and invoke something in me. One of the things that I like about poetry (other than the powerful messages within) is its accessibility. You don't have to read an entire book, or a chapter with any order . A poem may just be a short paragraph or a couple of lines so it doesn't require as much time. They also offer different meanings depending on the reader. Even if you don't like writing or you're not a a poet yourself, theres probably something for you. If you do give poetry reading a go, take your time and and reflect on what you've read. As each month comes you'll be able to view poems tha...